Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bougainvillea of Vietnam

I visited Vietnam with my family over the Xmas break, I made some portraits of my youngest daughter. These are two layouts for one of the images. I also wrote a very short photo essay on my other blog here.

The first version has a very vibrant arrangement, but I don't think it goes very well with the subtle effect that I gave to the portrait.

I prefer the second one, which keeps a hazy look altogether.

Credits: Joanne Brisebois overlays from the OScraps shop - edited in photoshop CS6.

Monday, January 7, 2013

How clients become friends

I have been blessed with a series of wonderful clients who approached me to make portraits and imagery for their business websites, to record important moments in their family's life and to shoot amazing events. For me, it is always a pleasure because through the photography sessions I get a chance to know them more deeply, to be a part of their lives and to share wonderful moments.

This is a show-case of some of my 'clients' - now friends. The image above is one I made for Kathryn, who has a Life Coaching and Development studio: The Life Creative. She is fun and lively, elegant, down-to-earth, sensitive AND sensible! To find out more about Kathryn, see her website here.